Pete Evans: Activated Almonds to Alternative Health

The first time I ever paid any attention to Pete Evans, it was when he’d done a “day in a plate” type interview and he spoke about “activated almonds”. I learned that these were almonds that were soaked and then dried. Wet nuts that became dry nuts. I found this hilarious, but over the intervening years he has gone from a bit of a joke to downright alarming. I got blocked from his Facebook page when I questioned why he was anti fluoride and frankly, he’s gotten even weirder since. Continue Reading

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Russell Brand, Typical Dad

When I say typical, I mean stereotypical.

In a recent interview, he talked about becoming a father and the practical side of parenting. That being the side that rarely engages in, apparently. Russell Brand parenting is something much more otherworldly and sensitive. Or something.  Isn’t it amazing how fast you can lose respect for someone you admire?


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A while back, Gwyneth Paltrow had eyes rolling across the globe when she endorsed the practice of steaming one’s vagina in the interests of, um, health? Actual women’s health experts advised against the practice because, not surprisingly, sitting your bits over a herbal steam does not cleanse the womb as Gwynnie claimed. In fact, there’s no need to try to steam clean your lady bits. In the words of board certified OB/GYN Jen Gunter: “Think of it like a self-cleaning oven.”

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Alicia Keys is all over the place right now for her decision to go makeup free at the VMAs. In fact, she’s given up makeup altogether. Some people are applauding her bravery while others are pointing out that she’s kinda genetically blessed anyway, so is she really being brave?

alicia keys- makeup free

Genetics are definitely in her favour. She a beautiful woman. However, I don’t think that makes what she is doing any less brave.

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